Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6) - Page 50

“Are you saying you have regrets?”

“Would I do it differently if I could?” He shook his head. “I don’t know. Knowin’ what I do now, yes, I think I would. I retired a few years ago, as you know, and I was livin’ alone on a ranch on the western slope. Life was good. Peaceful. But I can’t tell you what a glow Amber has brought to my life. I’m giving her away at her wedding Saturday, did you know that? I’ve only been her father for two months and she’s lettin’ me have that honor.”

Sam nodded.

Thunder continued, “People, son. Family. Those are the precious things in life. If you think you love this woman, this woman who gave birth to your child, you owe it to yourself to give it the shot it deserves.”

“What if it doesn’t work?”

“There are no guarantees in life. You know that better than anyone, being a bronc buster. There’s no guarantee you aren’t gonna bust a rib or worse when that stud bucks you off.”

Sam nodded. The man was right.

“So my advice to you is to go get her.”

What about Duke? Sam opened his mouth to say as much, when Dusty came rushing in.


“What is it?”

“Sydney just called.” Her eyes filled with tears. “They’ve taken Duke to Denver to the hospital.” She doubled over, her breath coming in rapid puffs.

“Take it easy, darlin’,” Zach said, helping her to the couch.

“What, Dusty? What’s wrong with Duke?”

Zach looked up, his eyes sober. “They think he might have leukemia.”

Chapter Eleven

Sam drove to Denver at top speed. When he reached the hospital, he parked quickly and ran inside.

Roy was waiting in the emergency room waiting area. “Carrie and Syd are in with him. His fever’s come down quite a bit, thank God, and he’s much livelier now.”

That’s a good sign, right?” Sam said.

Roy shook his head. “Hell, I don’t know. I wish I knew what was going on. My little boy has a fever and some bruises, and all of a sudden we’re talking about the C word? I can’t deal with this. Four days ago I didn’t know who his biological father was, and now I find out leukemia runs in the family.”

“Leukemia isn’t usually hereditary,” Sam said. “At least that’s what they’ve always told us. It was just bad luck that both Ma and Dusty got the same disease.”

“Yes, the doctors here have assured us of the same thing. Still, Doc Larson seemed very adamant that we bring Duke in tonight once he found out about your mother and your sister.”

“Doc Larson’s a small-town doctor. He’s a good man, but he probably isn’t up to date on his research. Plus, leukemia is highly curable.”

“But your mother…”

“She didn’t make it.” Sam gulped. “But that was a long time ago. Treatment is better now. And look at Dusty. She’s healthy as a horse.”

Carrie came out white-faced. “They’ve drawn all the blood. It’s going to take a few hours to get the results. Hello, Sam.”

Sam stood. “How is he?”

“He’s better.” Her face was streaked from tears. “Sydney is sitting with him now.”

“May I see him?”

“He doesn’t even know you,” Carrie said.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024