Sonata (Butcher and Violinist 2) - Page 74

“Now’s not a good time.” I shoved the woman on the floor.

She tripped me.

Rafael snorted.

Louis continued in my ear, “Yeah. I don’t know what Kazimir is dragging out from under his bed, but it’s heavy for him. That can’t be good. Get on the elevator.”

I wanted to respond, but I was wrestling with the damn woman. She scratched my face. I slapped her hands away. Too slow. She had the tie around my neck, choking me as she kicked and punched.

Rafael cleared his throat. “Do you want me to play a song, while you dance with her?”

Grunting, I shoved her into the wall, twisted her around, turned the other way, and kicked up her feet. She fell on her ass.

I towered over her. “Listen. I hate getting aggressive with woman. Let’s not change my view tonight. Clearly, I could’ve broken your arm, and tied it around your neck as a leash to drag you forward. I would rather you walk next to me.”

I straightened and dusted off my jacket.

She rose. Defeat filled her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to go with you.”

“I’ve heard worse.” I gestured behind me. “Now get on the fucking elevator.”

Louis’s voice rang in my ear as he kept watch of Kazimir. “What’s that? Shit. Jean-Pierre! Kazimir pulled a fucking rocket launcher out from under his bed.”

Of course he would have one with him. Most only travel with a passport.

Louis’s voice held terror. “Get the fuck out of there.”

I dragged her off with us, and yelled to the others, “Run!”

We raced off.

My legs burned.

My grip remained tight on my captive.

Am I really doing this? Too late. No turning back now.

Rafael caught his breath, when we got on the elevator. “Why the hell are we running again?”

“Kazimir’s got a rocket launcher.” I stepped on.


The rest hurried on.

The doors closed.

The elevator lowered painstakingly slow.

“Louis?” I said into my ear bud. “Where is the Lion now?”

His lover stood on my side and eyed me, probably wondering what Kazimir was doing too.

Static came from Louis’s side of the line, but I still caught his voice. “Kazimir. . .saw you all get on the. . .elevator.”

More static crunched the line.

I tapped the bud, knowing it wouldn’t do anything. It was the fact that we were on the elevator.

Louis’s voice came in better as we lowered some more. “Kazimir killed the guys in front of the elevator. They didn’t have a chance. Threw out knives to their necks and severed their—”

“I don’t need your director’s cut commentary. Where is he now?”

“He keeps yelling out a word. He’s been saying the same one over and over.”

My interest peaked. “What word?”

“I can’t catch it.”

“Catch it. The word might be important.”

“Okay.” Louis continued, “Kazimir ran down the hallway. He’s on the stairs.”

“No one can kill him. Tell everyone to run.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. They’re running.”

And then the elevator rocked, and the building trembled as if a giant stood next to the building and shook it.

“What the hell was that, Louis?” I stumbled back yet kept my grip on the woman.

Louis’s connection broke a little and then came back, but not as clear as it had been. “Kazimir shot the fucking missile down the staircase!”

Goddamn it. You’re going to end up killing all of us.

I fisted my free hand. “Get out of the building, Louis.”

“I am.”

The connection ended.

I took the bud out, slinging it on the floor.

The elevator shook again.

The lights flickered.

Goddamn it.

Rafael looked at the elevator’s ceiling. “What the fuck is that? King Kong? If the Bratva have King Kong, then I’m switching sides.”

“He’s got a rocket launcher.”

On my side, his lover opened her mouth in shock, and then turned away.

Didn’t know how crazy he was, did you?

Rafael had put his gun up and wiped his face with both hands. “Rocket launcher?”

My heart banged in my chest.

The clock tick-tocked.

Nothing had been resolved except more problems.

The elevator lowered some more, but not fast enough. I’d kidnaped the Lion’s lover to get his help, but he was close to accidentally killing us and her.

Nothing was going right, but it didn’t matter. If this didn’t work, then I would try something else. If I got knocked down by the Bratva, I’d get up, kill them, and find Eden.

Nothing would get in my way.

I studied the Lion’s lady. She still wore the bed sheet although the ends twisted around her leg. I took off my jacket and handed it to her. “Take this.”

She kept her voice low. “I’m fine.”

“I didn’t ask.”

She grabbed the jacket and put it on. The whole time her gaze remained on me, and it was cold and deadly.

My men had watched him these past years. There was lots of photos and footage. I’d seen all of Kazimir’s past lovers. I had been convinced, that he didn’t have a particular style or preference, besides the women being beautiful. He was known to have had several lovers all over the world, even though he’d barely visited them throughout the years.

Tags: Kenya Wright Butcher and Violinist Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024