Shelter (Heroes of Big Sky 2) - Page 59

“I’m not on those kinds of terms with Mother Nature, but it worked out pretty well, don’t you think?”

“It’s gorgeous,” I confirm. We sit in comfortable silence, eating and watching the show. After one piece, I’m done with the food and curl up into Seth’s side. “We get to live here.”

He smiles down at me. “Yeah. It’s pretty great, isn’t it?”

“What did I ever do in my life to deserve this?”

He kisses my head and then tips my chin up so he can take my lips. “I love you so much, sweetheart.”

“I love you, too.” I move under the blankets and straddle Seth, right on the swing. My hands brace against the white wood behind him, and his hands roam up and down my bare back. The cool air feels amazing on my warm skin.

“I had no idea you were an exhibitionist,” he murmurs before I kiss his lips. His thumb flicks one of my nipples, making my core tighten.

“There’s no one out here to see us. I think it’s kind of sexy to make love out here, in the cold, under the northern lights.”

He pulls a condom out of his pocket, and that arrogant smile on his lips flashes. “I like the way you think, babe.”

When I lower over him, we both sigh. When he cups my ass and urges me, moves me up and down in long, slow strokes, I moan.

“Jesus, you make me crazy,” he growls.

“Same.” I pick up the pace. “God, Seth.”

“Mine.” My eyes find his bright ones. “You’re mine.”

I grin, tipping my forehead to his. “You’re mine.”

And when we fall over the edge into ecstasy, surrounded by cool air and bright, dancing lights, he pulls me to him and holds me close until we catch our breath.

“Mine,” he whispers once more.

Chapter 20


“I don’t get a lot of uninterrupted sleep since I met you,” Remi says with a frown as she rolls over in bed. “It’s pathetically early. I know it’s Christmas, but you have to be past the age of waking up in the middle of the night to see if Santa came.”

I grin at her. God, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Even when she’s scowling at me for waking her.

“It’s not the middle of the night,” I inform her. “It’s six. I’ve been up for an hour.”

“Do we have to go to the big house this early?”

“We’re not going over there yet,” I reply and kiss her soft cheek. “Just get dressed. You’ll see what’s up soon enough.”

She sits and stretches her arms up over her head. The covers fall, revealing her stellar breasts.

“Nope, you’re not going to distract me with sex.”

She grins. “I tried. Okay, fine. I’ll be ready in ten.”

True to her word, we’re soon off in my truck, headed toward the barn. Once inside, I spot Louie ready for us, Magic’s reins in his hands.

“What’s this?” Remi asks with a frown.

“You’ll see,” I repeat. “Thanks, Louie. I’m sorry to do this to you on Christmas morning.”

“Don’t you worry ‘bout me. Here’s your coffee and a little something your mama sent down for you.” He winks at me. “Have fun.”

“There’s only one horse saddled up,” Remi says after Louie has gone.

“We’re going together,” I inform her and help her into the saddle and then swing on behind her, cuddling her close. “We have coffee, and it looks like Mom made huckleberry muffins.”

“Oh, gimme,” she says and bites into one as Magic walks us out of the barn. “They’re still warm. This is a nice new Christmas tradition. Good thing we bundled up, it’s damn cold out here.”

I smile and kiss her hair. My girl can talk, and I love it. The sky is just starting to lighten, and we can make out the outline of the mountains in the distance. The timing is going to be absolutely perfect.

When we’re less than half a mile from our destination, I start to talk, breaking the stillness.

“I’ve heard this story for most of my life,” I begin. “How my uncle and my dad brought Aunt Cara and Mom out here like this to watch the sunrise. There’s a particular spot over here that is just amazing, especially at this time of day.”

“It’s so still. So quiet,” she murmurs. “As if the snow has hushed everything.”

It’s my favorite time of year—when the world is quiet and chilly.

The snow brightens a bit as the sun starts sending pink and purple into the sky. As we pass the cemetery, I notice a white owl perched on my grandpa’s headstone, watching us with round, wise eyes.

Something tells me, deep down, that my grandpa is here, and that he approves of what I have planned this morning.

I urge Magic to stop just about ten yards from the special tree, and we sit in silence as we watch the sun come up over the mountains.

Tags: Kristen Proby Heroes of Big Sky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024