Shelter (Heroes of Big Sky 2) - Page 47

“Get in the shower,” he directs, pointing at me before leaving the room.

I know I’m dragging my feet, but once I’m on the road, I’ll be glad I’m going. It’ll be fun to see people I haven’t been with in a long time. And the challenges will be fun, too. I’ll need a hot tub and a massage when it’s over, but I’ll kick some ass, just like the old days.

With that pep talk finished, I take a shower and finish packing my suitcase, then pull it behind me to the kitchen, where Seth’s made not just coffee but eggs and bacon, as well.

“You spoil me.”

“You need to eat,” he says and offers his lips as I sidle up beside him. “Do you want some toast, too?”

“No, I need to back off on the carbs for the rest of the week. Thanks, though.” I sip my coffee. “What do you have on deck this week while I’m gone?”

“It might snow a little, so we’re going to work on getting the last of the cattle out of the mountains and down into the pastures. We need to check on the fences, and Halloween is in a couple of days, so I always volunteer at the fire hall.”

“Are there a lot of fires on Halloween?”

“No, there’s a big party for the kids there.”

I frown into my coffee. I’m going to miss it.

“Here’s your breakfast.”

“Oh, thanks.” Seth makes the best bacon in the world. “When I get back, I’m going to start baking. I like to bake this time of year.”

“Will there be pumpkin bread?”

I grin and take a bite of my eggs, slipping some down for Cap. “If you want some, yes.”

“And shortbread cookies?”

“That’s usually for Christmas, but sure.”

He stares at me and then pulls me in and kisses me, not caring at all that I have a mouth full of eggs.

“I had no idea that cookies would get this kind of reaction out of you.”

“You bake,” he says. “I like it.”

“So I see.” I check the time. “I’ll bake all the time if I get this response. Okay, I should go if I want to get to my first stop before dark.”

Seth walks me out, helps me load the van, and makes sure that everything is ready for the road. After a long hug and a hot kiss—and lots of ear scratches for Cap—I’m off.

I watch the two of them in my mirror. The tall, strong man that means more to me than anything, and his loyal dog, who’s never far from his side. I watch them until I round the bend and they disappear from sight.

I already miss them.

There’s not much going on in Idaho tonight. The drive was pretty, with all of the changing leaves and mountains, but it was lonely.

I used to love being alone in the van, traveling from place to place. Now, it’s just…quiet.

Being alone isn’t what I want anymore. I like my van, but it’s way more fun when Seth’s with me. Maybe he’d like to take a little trip with me sometime when the ranch slows down a bit and he can get away.

Or, maybe I’ll end up selling it and buy something more practical for everyday use instead. If I stay in Cunningham Falls, that is.

“Why wouldn’t I stay there?” I ask aloud as I secure the van for the night and then hop back inside to have a snack. I love it there. I love the people there, and not just Seth’s family, but all of those I’ve met. Annie’s my best friend. My regulars that come into the deli are awesome.

Cunningham Falls has become my home.

All day, while I drove away from there, the old feelings of anxiety and dread set up residence in my belly, and I was full of the same insecurities and unhappiness that I’ve had for so long. It was how I felt when I drove into town almost two months ago, but since I’ve lived there, and since I’ve been with Seth and working at Little Deli, I haven’t had that dread tickling me in the back of the throat.

But it’s back now.

And if that doesn’t tell me that being in Montana with Seth is where I’m supposed to be, I don’t know what does. If I’m at peace there, it’s my home.

I glance down as my phone rings.


“Happy birthday, Remi.”

“Mom?” I check the screen. “I didn’t recognize the number.”

“Oh, I got a new phone last month.”

Last month. If I’d needed her over the past month, I would have had no way to reach her. It’s shouldn’t surprise me. It shouldn’t hurt me. But it does. It always does.

“Anyway, I called to say happy birthday.”

“Thanks. It was yesterday.”

“Oh. Well, better late than never.”


“Oh, I have to run. We’re packing for a cruise, and Brittany can’t find her Mickey ears from the last one we went on.”

Tags: Kristen Proby Heroes of Big Sky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024