Rushed (Adventures in Love 1) - Page 26

“This way.” I head in the direction Cybil ran from, and we all fan out and walk in a straight line without a word, everyone knowing that if they cleaned up after themselves, that’s going to be the best way to find anything with almost zero visibility.

“Unless a bear took down a large elk, I’d say this is where they were when they field dressed the elk,” Warden Stemson says, shining his flashlight on what’s left of the entrails the hunters left behind. “Your girl said she didn’t hear any four-wheelers, so my guess is they walked out.” He shakes his head. “It’s not going to be easy to find out who’s responsible.”

“I’ve gotta agree with Stemson on this one. It’s not going to be easy to find out who did this, but we’ve got a few cameras on the road leading up the mountain. I’ll see if I can find anything.” Sheriff Montero sighs, looking around one last time before heading back toward the river.

When we reach the four-wheelers, Warden Stemson sticks his hand out in my direction. “I’ll let you know if I find out anything, and if they took down the elk as a trophy, they’ll want to take it to a taxidermist. I’ll call around tomorrow so the ones who are local know to phone in if anyone approaches them with a job.”

“Thanks.” I let his hand go.

Sheriff Montero pats my shoulder. “We’ll be in touch.”

“Do we need to be concerned about having guests out here?” Blake asks, and Warden Stemson stops halfway to his ride and turns to face us.

“I don’t think you guys have anything to worry about, but it’d be smart to move your guests to the other side of the river. I doubt the men responsible for this mess will be back, but you just never know what some of these idiots will do or what they’re thinking.”

“Thanks,” Blake says, and I lift my chin, then wait for them to drive off before turning to get on our four-wheeler.

“What are you thinking?”

“Tomorrow, you would have moved anyway. Now you’ll just set up camp in a different location than what was planned.” He hops on the seat behind me. “I’m also going to ask my dad to put some feelers out. Men around here can’t help but to brag when they get a bull elk, and I have no doubt that someone will slip up. For all we know, they’ve already posted a picture on Facebook to show off their kill.”

“I doubt they’d be that stupid,” I mutter as I start the engine.

“They were stupid enough to hunt out of season without a tag and to shoot at you. I wouldn’t put anything past them right now,” he shouts over the noise as I pull back on the throttle, anxious to get back to Cybil.

Chapter 11


“I can’t believe you!” Lauren’s high-pitched cry wakes me suddenly, and I blink my eyes open, finding the tent barely lit with early-morning light and a very grumpy-looking Tanner up on an elbow, glaring at the door.

“You can’t believe me? I can’t believe you,” Oliver hisses back, sounding outraged.

“You haven’t wanted to have sex once since we’ve been here!” Lauren yells, and my eyes widen.

“We’re in a tent, not in a hotel, and neither of us has showered in four days. Of course I don’t want to have sex.”

“Are you saying you think I smell?” she shrieks, and I cringe, because right now, we all kind of stink, so I can’t really blame Oliver for not wanting to be intimate. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad for her.

“For the love of God, shut the hell up and go to sleep!” Parker roars, and I quickly cover my mouth with my hand while I wait for Lauren or Oliver to respond, but neither of them does. In fact, the silence that follows is almost deafening.

When Tanner lies down facing me, the humor I see in his gaze makes me giggle. I know I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hard not to, especially when it’s like neither Lauren nor Oliver remember that people outside their tent can hear them anytime they’re in there.

“Morning,” he mouths, touching his fingers to my cheek, and my eyes slide to half mast as my heart starts to dance inside my chest.

“Morning,” I whisper back, staring into his eyes while his thumb moves to trace my bottom lip.

“Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes,” I say, while leaving out that I wasn’t able to fall asleep until after I heard him come back with Blake. Even knowing he was safe, I was worried about him returning to the same location we had been shot at earlier. Honestly, I didn’t want him to go back at all, but I knew there would be no changing his mind, so I didn’t even bother trying to stop him. “Did you?”

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024