DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 87


“He requested to have. . .” Edwin appeared closed to vomiting. “A hot dog with everything on it and a bag of chips.”

What does Marcelo want?

Confused, I slipped my thumb along Rose’s palm. “Edwin, when you asked Marcelo what did he want to drink, what did he say?”

Edwin spoke, “A whiskey on the rocks.”

He broke his boxing training. Whatever the news is, it won’t be good.

“Have him join us on the balcony.”

“Yes, sir.”

We stepped onto the balcony.

I guided Rose to the table and pulled out her chair.

“Thank you, Dima.” She lowered into it.

A cool breeze blew through her hair and brought her scent my way. Bright blue painted the sunny sky. Far below, a couple walked hand-in-hand on the white sand.

“This view is even better during the day.”

“I was going to say the same thing about you.” Smiling, I went to my seat and studied my freshly wiped table. Instantly, I thought about how I had bent her over it. Rose’s sexy moans played in my head.

“Mmmhmm.” I formed my lips into a wicked smile. “After last night, this balcony will never be the same to me.”

“I hope that’s a good thing.”

“Very good thing.”

Dishes and glasses clattered near us, signaling the entrance of my staff. They carted out our breakfast and set up the table. Savory steam rose from the dishes.

They’d given her the same dish. “This actually looks delicious.”

“If you want anything else, just ask.”

“I’m quite aware of that.” She gestured to everything around her. “You have an amazing staff that has kept me happy and comfortable.”

“I’m glad you like it here.”

Because I don’t plan on letting you go home.

This would be a sticky situation to navigate, but one that I would need to do. She comforted me. Gave my mind peace. Warmed my heart. And my cock loved her the most. Her body made it explode.

She also listened to my confession last night and didn’t seem awkward. At least, I hoped I’d correctly read her response.

This could work.

The glass doors opened. Marcelo stepped onto the balcony and glanced at Rose. “I see that she’s still alive.”

Rose scowled at him. “I’m really starting to take offense now.”

Holding several newspapers, he gazed at her robe and then mine. “Have you both read the papers?”

I stabbed into my eggs and watched the gooey yellow liquid spill. “Are you hungry, Marcelo?”

“I’m not. I just had a hotdog and some chips.” Marcelo placed the newspapers on the table between both of our plates and then went over to the chair across from us. The one that Viktor used to sit in.

I shook my head. “Don’t sit there.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not ready yet. Sit there.” I pointed to the one next to it.

“I don’t get. . .” He went to the other chair and sat down. “Whatever. I don’t have time for this. We have several fires happening all over Paradise—”

“Ones that need to interrupt my breakfast?”

“Yes.” He gritted his teeth. “And ones that probably shouldn’t be discussed in front of a reporter.”

Quickly, I dipped part of my bagel into the egg. “Rose is no longer reporting on the Diamond Syndicate.”

She mumbled through her eggs. “What? I never said that.”

“We’re fucking now.” I took a bite of the yolk-stained bagel. “That means the Diamond Syndicate is your family.”

She swallowed. “Wait a minute.”

“We’ll talk about this later.” I dipped more of my bagel into the yolk.

“Well the entire city has already heard about your new romance.” Marcelo pointed to the newspapers. “They’re calling you Di-Rose. There’s hashtags and everything.”

“No.” Rose froze in terror.

Marcelo winked at her. “Yes.”

Sighing, I put the bagel down, wiped my hands on the cloth napkin, and picked up one of the papers. She did the same.

The first thing that greeted me was a black and white picture of Mayor Parks and me squaring off. We’d had a nice conversation before I went into the bathroom to straighten Rose out with my tongue.

Under that image was an old photo of Rose. In it, she stood at a podium and spoke into a microphone. The headlines read, The Woman that Will Destroy Paradise.

Rose opened her mouth in shock.

I placed the paper down and returned to my eggs. “This is nothing but tabloid bullshit—”

“On the front page of Paradise News.” Marcelo gestured to the others. “What about those? One is the New York times.”

Rose shrieked. “No. No. No.”

Quickly, she picked up the New York Times and read out the headline. “Known Mafia Boss cock blocks the Paradise City’s Mayor.”

I smirked.

She put that one down and read the other. “All We Know About Paradise’s Helen of Troy?”

I checked that one and spotted tons of photos of her. “You were a cute baby.”

“No. No. No.” She set the paper down and stood. “I have to check my phone. I’m sure my family has been losing their mind. They probably have a PR team heading down here. I don’t need more drama.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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