DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 21

As if I need more things to work on with this serial killer hunting.

Marcelo began talking.

Uninterested, I tuned him out and scanned the spot, wondering what the next move would be. I had no idea how Chanel would react. Due her being his wife, she had to seek revenge and have her people look into Pedro’s death.

“Eh!” Marcelo yelled. “Am I boring you?

I blinked at him. “You did a little.”

Marcelo pointed at me. “You know why I never liked you?”

“I don’t care.”

“It’s because you could never look me in the eye in the beginning.”

“I can’t look anybody in the eye when I first meet them.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not in me to do so. It would take a truly extraordinary person to keep my attention initially, and you’re not that person.” I walked off and jotted down a quick note in my mini book.

Marcel may not be as much of an asshole as I think.

Marcelo called back, “Find this serial killer, Dimitri.”

I headed off. “I’m working on it.”

Viktor walked on my side. “Dimitri, we have another problem.”


When we made it to the door, he opened it.

Surprise hit me.

There stood my naughty Rose. Her mouth opened in shock. She held the new digital recorder I bought her.

Two men flanked her. One was a big muscular guy on her right. I noticed the bulge of a gun under his jacket. On the left, the skinny man had a big camera in his hand.

Instead of letting her walk by, I blocked the doorway. “Where do you think you're going?”


An Example



imitri towered over me. He was such an overwhelming man. Today his designer suit clung to the muscles on his shoulders and arms. Power radiated off every inch.

The image was enough to wet any woman’s panties.

Therefore, I wasn’t completely annoyed that he was blocking my way. I might have swooned for a few seconds, before clearing my throat.

When the station asked me to do this new assignment, I didn’t think it would involve him again. My photographer, Sampson stirred on my right side. Thankfully, my new bodyguard Roger was on my left. I would deal with Dimitri as much as I could. If he pushed it, Roger would take care of him.

“Did you hear me?” Dimitri leaned his head to the side. “Where do you think you're going?”

“Excuse me.”

“You’re not excused.” Dimitri stepped out into the hallway.

I tried to walk around him. His men got in my way. Another man shut the door.

“I asked you a question, Ms. Walsh.”


I glared at him. “Don’t call me that, and I’m here due to you.”


“I had one assignment this morning. And your donut shenanigans forced me to take on a new assignment.”

“Which is?”

“The hotel called the police about a murder. I’m going to report—”

“You won’t. Unfortunately, you can’t do this one either. Perhaps, consider reporting about the city’s caviar limes.”

“What is up with all of you and this fruit? It really isn’t that amazing.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and remained in my way. “Goodbye now, Ms. Walsh.”

“Are you dismissing me?”

“You’re a fast learner.”

I quirked my eyebrows. “This murder has something to do with the Diamond Syndicate?”

Anger covered his face. He stepped forward, forcing me to step backwards. “Go. Home.”

“This is my assignment. You have no control over—”


I stood my ground. “No.”

My new bodyguard Roger chose that moment to get to my side. He flexed his shoulder and then cracked his neck.

Dimitri shifted his attention to him. “Who’s this?”

I beamed. “This is my new bodyguard, Roger.”

Dimitri turned back to me. A worried expression actually covered his face. “Rose, are you in danger?”

“I believe so.”

Dimitri sneered. “Who’s bothering you?”

“It’s a man from the North.”

Sighing, he pulled out a small notebook and pen from his coat pocket. “What is his name?”

“His name is Dimitri Ivanov.”

One of Dimitri’s men chuckled and then covered the sound up with a cough.

I placed my hands on my hips. “After Mr. Ivanov sent me a gift with a threat, my father decided to send down protection for me.”

Dimitri put the notebook and pen back in his pocket. “There was no threat with that gift. Daddy Walsh didn’t need to send a babysitter.”

Roger chose that moment to speak, “I don’t know much about you, Mr. Ivanov, but Ms. Walsh would like to go in that room behind you. I hate to tell you this, but she will.”

Exactly! You better tell him!

Dimitri studied the bodyguard. “You’re being put in a difficult situation, Roger. I’m sorry for all that may occur to you in Paradise.”

“No need to apologize.” Roger cracked his neck again. “It’s just another day for me.”

“Interesting. I would love to know more, but we part here.” Dimitri pointed to his men on the right. “Take Rose home.”

I shook my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Roger fisted his hands at his sides. “You need to move out of the way, Mr. Ivanov.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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