Moonshine & Mistletoe (Black Rebel Devils MC 1) - Page 9

I tap my fingers while I wait for him to get in the car. He stands expectantly by my door again. “What now?” I snap at him ready to get this shit over with and be done.

“I’m driving.” He strokes his goatee and I can still feel his bristled hair between my thighs and scratching my neck and along my jaw. I involuntary squirm in the seat. He laughs. “Come on. Let’s go before everything closes.”

“It’s my car,” I whine but he holds his ground. Frustrated, I give in and slide over the center console. He gets in and starts fucking with my seat and mirrors and I growl under my breath. We get halfway to town and my car starts wobbling. “What the hell did you do?”

“I think you have a flat.” He frowns and pulls off on the side of the main road. Axel gets out and pops my trunk. It takes him a few minutes, but he gets the spare on. “We’ll have to get a new tire while we are out. When we get into town you can do the pharmacy and I’ll handle the car.”

“Fine,” I groan. This is turning into the day from hell. A day I can’t seem to escape. In a way though I suppose I am happy he was with me. I don’t have a clue how to change a tire and my car service people would have been forever getting to me since it is Christmas Eve. Not to mention that everything will be closing early.

We make it town and just my damn luck the first pharmacy doesn’t have the pill in stock. He could order it but by the time he gets it in the window for me to take it will be long gone. The second pharmacy is closed and the next closest one is far enough away that by the time we get there it will be closed too. I feel like a freaking loser and like life is plotting against me right now. If it can wrong, it has since the minute I got here. I can’t win for losing. First, I brought the wrong clothes. Second, I drank too much. Third, I really screwed up by sleeping with Axel without protection. Fourth, my flat tire and now I can’t get the pill I need to make sure we didn’t ruin both of our lives.

Hopefully he is having better luck than me. He is supposed to meet me here at this diner. The only place left in town that is open.

I sit in the booth sipping on coffee and picking at a donut. My stomach is in knots. I don’t know what he will do or say when I tell him I didn’t get the pill. The waitress comes by my table with a fresh pot of coffee asking if I want a refill. I shake my head and continue to wait. I stare out the window wondering if Axel decided to ditch me but eventually, he shows up. As soon as he walks through the door wearing his cut the atmosphere changes. I guess if I hadn’t spent the night with him and didn’t know that he has a sweet side I would find him scary. He enters the establishment the picture-perfect image of a true badass. His dirty blonde hair is pulled back at the nape of his neck in a low ponytail. Covered in tattoos his muscles bulge out the sleeves of his what he told me is called a cut.

The waitress appears as though she doesn’t know whether she wants to be turned on or scared by him, but it doesn’t escape my notice that she has now undone another button on her blouse. The desperate woman fluffs her hair and gets her pen and pad ready. She plasters a fake smile and starts toward Axel. He walks past her as though she is a ghost. His eyes are dark and broody and on mine. I shrink down in the booth even though I know there is no escaping the intense attraction I feel for the man or his attention that is so centered on me. He takes a seat, sliding into the booth next to me instead of taking up the other bench. I’m pressed against the window and his arm drapes over the back of the booth. The waitress rushes over nearly falling over her own tits as they spill from her top. I can’t help but let out an annoyed hiss under my breath.

Axel cocks his head sideways at me and flashes me his pearly whites. “You aren’t jealous, are you?” He smirks, and I want to poke him in the eyes with my fork.

“Please?” I roll my eyes and look away. His hand grips my thigh, squeezing right at the apex where my thigh touches my pelvis. I elbow him in the gut in return.

“Did you already eat?” I shake my head.

“I’m not hungry.”

He shrugs after glancing at my poor donut and turns his attention to the waitress who is now tapping her pen on her order pad impatiently not happy to be ignored.

He orders a burger and a chicken strip platter. I give him a look, but he acts as though it is nothing. The waitress brings his soda over, slamming the plastic cup on the table and some of it sloshes out onto the table as she stomps off. Neither of us comment on her behavior but we are both fighting to hold in our laughter.

Huffing out a deep breath, he says, “So how did it go?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“You didn’t get it?” he sounds as panicked as I feel. I could lie to him, but I don’t want to play games with something so serious.

I shake my head. “They didn’t have it at the first place I went to. The second is closed. There was a third place but by the time we make the drive it will be too late. I know you probably hate me but not as much as I hate myself right now.”

Axel sucks in a deep breath. “I need a smoke. I’ll be back.”

I nod. He is probably going to throw himself into oncoming traffic. I don’t blame him. We really screwed up.

Chapter 8


When Ainsley tells me that she couldn’t get the pill I feel punched in the gut. I know she isn’t the only one to blame right now and I excuse myself to have a smoke, so I don’t say something I shouldn’t. I may be an asshole ninety percent of the time but I’m a grown ass man and I handle my shit. I lean my head back on the brick building and try not to freak out. She might not be pregnant. I don’t need to worry right now. I light up a cigarette wishing it were a joint. My cell phone vibrates from my back pocket. It’s my old man. I don’t want to talk to him right now but know I probably should.

I slide my finger across the screen “Yeah.”

“Hate to do this over the phone but just got a call about that kid you fucked up. He woke up this morning.”

“That’s good news though isn’t it?”

“It would be but, he’s dead.”

“What do you mean he’s dead?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Black Rebel Devils MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024