Claimed By the Hollywood Heartthrob - Page 21

Her beauty astounds me each and every second, the way the sunlight glimmers off her cheeks, glitters in her eyes. She looks like a spoil of war, waiting to be plucked up and taken home after a long and bloody battle.

My mind might be filled with uncertainty – about her feelings, I’m dead certain about mine – but my body is experiencing none of that.

My body is a roaring pulsing mass of primality, a whole world of compelling voices that shout the same command at me over and over.

Take her.

Fuck her.

Claim her.

Put a baby in her virgin womb.

“Need a ride home?” I ask.

She nods shortly. “Yeah, sure. Thank you.”

I walk around to the passenger side and hold the door open. She shoots me one of her sassy looks, causing my manhood to twitch in my pants. It feels like a thick serpent trying to break free, my seed surging up and down my solid-as-fuck length, precome leaking and begging me to stuff myself inside of her up to the hilt.

“Such a gentleman.” She giggles alluringly, causing some of the tension to drain out of me. “Thank you.”

I walk around to the driver’s side, warning myself again to try and hold myself back. I can’t allow myself to take her laughter as a sign she might feel the same, because she walked away, just turned and walked away like she found the very concept of my confession absurd.

Starting the engine, I guide us down the road, glancing at her from time to time.

She sits there silently, her hands intertwined in her lap, worrying at each other like there’s the same tension in her that’s barreling through me.

I wish I could see inside her mind, catch her thoughts like a baseball.

Imagining what she might be thinking doesn’t help me.

I’m sorry, Braden, but you came on really strong and I’m not really sure what to say. I really like you, you know, but not that much. I wish you hadn’t said all that stuff because it really is just crazy.

“You said you wanted to talk,” I say, in an effort to push away the cacophony of uncertainty working its way through me.

“Yeah, I do.”

Her voice is quiet, making me feel like a jackass for letting out my anger on her. But if she’s going to tell me she doesn’t want to take this any further, I need to try and harden myself, harden the pieces of myself that keep trying to break free.

She doesn’t know how much effort it’s taking not to grab onto her thick thighs right now, squeeze down until she makes that purring whimpering noise, the sound that thunders through my body and pounds louder and louder each second.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I need to calm down before I pull over and start palming those round beautiful tits.


“What?” I snap when she trails off.

We stop at a red light and I turn to her.

She’s facing me with those wide innocent eyes that do so much to make me turn savage, that drag me closer and closer to the edge until I’m sure I’m going to topple right over.

Lose control.

Fuck her.

Maul her.

Stretch her virgin hole until she has no choice but to take me.

“I feel the same,” she whispers.

Chapter Thirteen


He stares at me, jaw ticking, temples pulsing. It’s like there’s a bomb going off inside of him.

No, a series of bombs, explosion after explosion ricocheting through his body. His hands are tight on the steering wheel, his knuckles white.

His forearms bulge and twitch in that way that sets my mind ablaze, each and every little twitching movement prompting another wave of sizzling need inside of me.

“Say it again,” he snarls, as people start honking their horns behind us.

The traffic light has changed and we’re holding everybody up, but Braden looks like he doesn’t give a damn. He stares at me, making it clear he’s not going to move until I do what he wants.

“I feel the same. All that stuff you said, about a family, a future… I feel it too. Heck, Braden, I felt it the first time I ever saw you. I mean, I’ve had a crush on you for so long, but seeing you in was so much better, so much more real. I’m not making any sense, am I?”

Honk-honk-honk, people are really starting to lose their patience now, car horns filling the air.

“You’re making perfect sense.” He finally presses down on the gas, pushing the car past the red light. “What didn’t make sense was the way you walked away, because, dammit, I can feel how badly your body wants me. I can feel how badly your womb needs my seed.”

I giggle, shaking my head. “That should sound crazy, shouldn’t it? It should sound completely freaking insane. But you’re right. My body is calling out for you. Does that—”

Tags: Flora Ferrari Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024