A Rose to Keep (The Society 1) - Page 51

“No.” They all said the same word at the same time.


“Babe, I don’t hit girls,” William said. “Unless they ask really nicely.”

“This isn’t funny.” I could have easily punched Chloe. I didn’t believe violence was the answer. Nothing good came from bullying a bully. You were just repeating the same old vicious cycle and as far as I was concerned, that didn’t resolve any problems, just caused more.

Mateo grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together. “Babe, we didn’t do that, but we did alert someone to her … meddling. She’d been warned. We do not take responsibility for what happened to her. This is all on her.”

I pulled my hand away, unable to say more as the teacher chose that moment to enter the classroom. There was so much I wanted to say.

The rest of the class seemed to go on forever. I wrote the notes, answered any questions that were directed at me, and more importantly, the moment the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and books, rushing out. I was shoving them in as I caught sight of Chloe ducking into the bathroom.

I rushed to catch up with her, ignoring the calls of the guys. She needed to know this wasn’t my fault.

Entering the bathroom, I found her at the sinks, applying more makeup. If I saw the bruise with makeup on, I was worried what she looked like with it all removed.

“Chloe,” I said.

“Have you come here to gloat?”

“What happened?”

She laughed. “Please, don’t play the victim here. I mean, I would still kick your fat ass if I could.”

“Will you stop with all the insults? I get it. You’re hotter than me and can have any guy you want. The boys should be falling all over themselves to be with you, and instead, they’re with me. Believe me, it makes no sense, but cut the crap. I didn’t ask for this, any of this.”

Chloe stared at me through the mirror. “You know, I actually believe you.”

“I’ve got no reason to lie.”

“And that’s your first mistake.” She finished applying more foundation. “Wow, this makes this fucking harder.”


“To hate you,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s easy. You’re a fucking joke. After everything I’ve done, but you really are completely clueless. I don’t know if I should feel sorry for you or not.”

“Why not give me a hint of what the hell is going on?” I asked.

Chloe put her makeup away. “The guys will be outside waiting for you. Where you go, they go.”

“I didn’t ask for this.”

“But you’re part of it. This is the game and you’re going to have to learn to play.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

For a split second, she looked genuinely sad. “I know. I don’t think it’s fair. You’ve never been part of this, and you clearly don’t know what is coming. My only advice to you, and I mean this. I won’t share another piece of info with you, and we won’t be friends.”


“Know when to fight. Understand when to back off, and hope to God no one is there to see you fall.” Chloe took a step toward me. “Don’t lose yourself. It’s when you fall so deeply all is lost.”

“You’re talking in riddles.”

“That’s how this life is. Learn to read between the lines.”

Then she freaked me the fuck out by putting her hands on my shoulders and hugging me. “This is what my mom did to me before she killed herself five years ago.”

With that, she stepped back, and the vulnerability was gone.

The bitch was firmly back in place.

Chloe left the bathroom, and I stepped over to the sinks, staring at my own reflection. My hair looked a mess. My uniform was neatly pressed, but I was out of place. My eyes were heavy with purplish marks beneath from lack of sleep. No makeup.

I didn’t match the guys, who one by one, entered the bathroom.

Staring at them now, I saw they were all curious. “Will I ever get a moment’s peace?” I asked.

“That ship has sailed,” William said.

He was always the joker, and where I appreciated it last night, right now, I didn’t.

“It’s time we get to class.”

Gideon grabbed my arm as I tried to pass. We may talk now, but I still wasn’t on good terms with him. The moment he touched me, I pulled away and glared at him. “Don’t.”

“You’re going to need to get used to my touch.”

“When I’m ready.”

“There is a time limit.”

“Of course there is,” I said.

His eyes went to slits. Whatever. His scathing look would not deter me. If anything, he just served to piss me off even more. I was tired of his games. The asshole.

“What did she say?”


“Don’t do this, Sian.”

“If you must know, we were talking about our periods. She needed a tampon. We were comparing notes on which one of you is the better fuck. The list could go on.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Society Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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