Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy 1) - Page 33

The gun dug into her back, and she watched the man slap the girl. Reaching for the gun, she quickly pulled the safety off, and aimed at the man’s leg. It was the only way she knew she wouldn’t hurt the girl as well. She fired the bullet. He immediately went down, and the girl screamed.

Getting to her feet, she urged for the girl to come to her, which she did.

Lou heard the men running toward her, and she held the gun shakily in her hand, pointing it at the man. The girl had her arms wrapped around her

, and was so scared her body shook with fear.

“What the fuck?” Jacob asked.

“He was attacking this little girl. She just wanted to go home to her mom.” Loud held the girl tightly.

“Fuck! I’m going to kill those fucking bastards.”

“No one is going to hurt you,” Lou said, trying her hardest to comfort the young girl.

Jacob came forward, asking her name.

“Sh, it’s okay. He’s one of the good guys. He’s my friend.”

“He was hurting me. I was just walking home, and they snatched me. Told me I was a whore and all whores had a place in the world.”

“I’ve already put a call into Luke,” Abel said.

“Who is Luke?”

“He’s a cop we know on the force. He’ll get her home, make sure she’s safe. I’ve also talked to Dad. He’s going with Luke and Mom to make sure she’s taken care of. They’re pissed, Jacob. I don’t think this is going to be opening for some time,” Abel said.

“They broke every single rule.” They made their way out of the basement, and Lou did her hardest not to show that she was in any kind of pain. Waiting in the main hallway she was surprised that they didn’t have to wait long. Maddox, Charlotte, and an officer in uniform came through the door.

Lou handed the girl over and stepped away. Her face hurt, as did her side. She hurt all over.

“What the fuck did that bastard do to you?” Jacob asked, taking hold of her chin, and turning her head this way and that.

“It’s nothing.”

“Fuck if that isn’t nothing.”

She took his hand. “He hit me, that’s all. Do we have to stay or can we move on?”

Jacob looked over her shoulder toward his father.

“Go. We’ve got this. This needs us to clean it up. I’ve already contacted my brothers. They’ll be here to help me.”

Jacob took her hand, leading her away from the brothel.

“I take it tonight is a really bad night?”

“It’s the worst fucking night. Everything I told you we weren’t was completely fucking twisted inside that bastard place.”

“You sound pissed.”

“I am.” Jacob started up the car, and Lou turned toward him, watching.

“Where are we going now?” she asked.

“I’m heading over to Frank’s.”

Lou reached for the visor and flipped it down, seeing the bruise already forming on her cheek.

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024