The Sinister Silhouette - Page 134

Jules snorts. “I’ll remind you of that in a couple of years.” Her hands fist my shirt. “Now, kiss me.”

Discussion over, I move in as close as I can get and land my lips against hers. She tastes like Jules and pineapple, one of the many combinations that have become my favorite. My hands snake up her thighs and under her skirt, not stopping until I get to the juncture of her thighs.

Our kiss is lazy, but no less passionate. Pregnancy has made both of us ravenous, something we take advantage of as often as we can.

I slip my thumb underneath the edge of her panties and graze it against her clit. She’s drenched, just as she always is for me.

She releases a low moan,

and I swallow the sound, not wanting little ears to hear and come to investigate. I know we can’t take it any further than what we’re doing now, but I’m not done with her yet. I listen and still hear the light buzz of the tattoo machine and know we’re still good.

Her elbows go to my shoulders and she surrounds the back of my head with her arms, effectively caging me in.

Fuck, this woman drives the sane right out of me.

I pull my hand from her panties, grip her ass to tug her to the edge of the counter, and try to grind my cock against her. Her belly is in the way, and it makes me want to weep. Thankfully, she releases the caged hold she has on my head and leans back, moving Junior out of the way.

Right fucking there. That’s what I needed. With her hands on the counter behind her, her hooded amber eyes watching me, biting her lip, I rock against her. Her skirt is pushed up; the only thing between us is her panties and my jeans, so I feel her heat. It’s damn near scorching me.

A nudge on the left, a poke on the right, and Junior makes his presence known once again, reminding us he’s waiting to be fed. I look down and scowl at her stomach, and Jules giggles huskily.

“Patience, little man,” I grumble. It’s all a front. I love every single one of his nudges.

I bend down and kiss the spot Junior just kicked. I lift her shirt higher, seeing the heart tattoo. The one I gave her two weeks after we met. Theo claimed she got it to signify their love, but it’s was actually our love it represents. It’s her light and my dark. Two halves of a heart mending into one. I kiss the beautiful piece of art before lowering her shirt.

“Duty calls,” I tell Jules once I’m standing straight.

“Hey.” She tugs me back to her by my jeans pocket before I can walk away to start the bacon. Her fingers slide through my hair. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

I gather her hair into one hand and pull the mass over her shoulder. I smirk. “Yes, but tell me again anyway.”

When she smiles, it damn near knocks me on my ass. “Infinitely. There’s no beginning and no ending. Forever and always.”

That’s what she always says, from the first time she told me she loved me, and every time she does, I thank my lucky stars. Many men have thought it, but I know down to my soul I’m the luckiest man alive to have found the woman in my arms, to have our child in her belly, and the one she gave me in the next room.

“Eternal, everlasting, and bottomless,” I repeat what I always say back to her.

She smiles, I smile, and we’re both rewarded with another kick from Junior. We laugh against each other’s mouths, then I get my ass to feeding my woman and baby.

The end

Turn the page for the first chapter in WHISPERED PRAYERS OF A GIRL BY ALEX GRAYSON



“IT’S SUCH A SHAME what happened.”

“They say it left him a bit… unhinged.”

“Well, I can’t really say I’m surprised. I bet it would leave you a bit rattled too.”

“Not to mention the scars. You know he has to remember what happened every time he sees them.”

“That’s why he only comes to town once every couple of months.”

“It’s such a shame, and a waste.”

Tags: Alex Grayson Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024