The Bond (Unbroken Raine Falling 4) - Page 150

He knelt back in awe as he drank in the sight of her. The years he’d spent fantasizing about her—exactly this way—rolled though him in a quaking rush. He remembered the first time he’d tasted her, on the bar at Shadows. He’d been drunk, accusing, angry—a mean son of a bitch. Yet she’d never stopped longing for him, loving him with her whole heart. She wasn’t a conquest, an itch to scratch, or a possession to add to his collection. This remarkable woman who lay spread out before him was his tormented past, his satisfying present, and his extraordinary future.

“Macen?” Raine’s soft whisper drew him from his musings.

Jerking to attention, he found her staring, tension settling on her face.

Liam wore a matching quizzical expression. “Are you all right, mate?”

Over the past two weeks, his whole world had been nearly severed in half. But these two devoted people had helped him put it back together and smoothed out every jagged edge with their unconditional love. Hammer was better than all right. His life and this love were his every fucking dream come true.

“I couldn’t imagine being better,” he answered softly. “Tell us about the ropes, precious.”

A broad, happy smile parted Raine’s lips. God, he could spend from now until eternity drinking in that blinding glow on her face, savoring the way her inky mane spilled over their white sheets, basking in the inviting pink hue of her aroused body.

“I feel safe. Protected. Bound to you both.” She wiggled her fingers and curled her hands into fists. A dreamy look of bliss danced in her shimmering blue eyes. “I’m really all right now, Macen.”

“We all are, precious.” He turned and arched a brow to his friend. “Liam?”

“Yes, brother?”

“Our wee wench is naked, pregnant, lusciously ripe, and begging to be devoured. I say we feast,” Hammer said in a horrifically bad Irish accent.

Raine giggled. Liam laughed, but within seconds those happy sounds had been replaced with hungry whimpers and moans.

Tied beneath the driving pleasure of his and Liam’s mouths and fingers, Raine writhed. Macen scored her cries and pleas into his soul as they stretched her to the edge of ecstasy, only to softly cradle her back down with soothing caresses and tender words. Over and over, they bathed her mouth and succulent pussy in sweet misery. Raine basked in their blissful torture, giving back every ounce of herself to them in enchanting surrender until their cocks were nearly bursting and spilling in need.

When they untied her hands and filled her smooth passages, stretching her full of their throbbing demand, she tossed back her head and screamed. Macen stared, stunned by her unequivocal beauty, as he and Liam followed her over in their own sublime surrender.

Saturday, September 7

“You ready for this? You’re trembling.”

River cupped her elbow, steadying her. Raine looked up and met his stare, so grateful to have him by her side, especially today.

“Fine. Nervous.” She sucked in a shaky breath.

“Second thoughts?” River asked.

“No. Worried I’m going to trip.” Raine sent him a watery laugh. “And excited. Is everyone ready? I want to do this before I ruin my makeup.”

Her brother sent her an indulgent smile. “Yeah. All you have to do is climb the last step to the top of the roof and push the door open. Your two very eager grooms are waiting.”

“I’m ready,” she assured him with a nod.

“You are. And you look beautiful.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “They’re very lucky.”

“I am, too. I thank God for them every day.”

“You’ve all earned this happiness. Enjoy it. With my blessing.”

For the past seven months, River had been the perfect big brother. God knew he’d been instrumental in Marlie’s ten-year federal felony sentence for filing a false report and obstruction of justice. But Raine and River had learned to tease each other like a normal brother and sister. They’d both leaned on the other when the anniversary of their mother’s death rolled around. She’d tossed him a big-ass party in May when he’d turned thirty. He’d gotten together with Liam and Hammer to return the favor when she’d celebrated her birthday at the end of June. He’d helped prop her feet up and kept her entertained as July had sweltered on and her pregnancy had forced her to suffer weeks of boring bed rest. He’d held her hand and cried tears of joy with her the day she’d become a mother. They’d grown so close in a few short months.

Raine wished Mom and Rowan could be here with them. Bryn insisted they always would be in spirit, and that gave Raine comfort.

She curled her hand around his wide forearm. “I hope you find something this wonderful someday. You deserve it.”

He shrugged. “Let’s focus on getting you married off, storm cloud.”

Raine smiled his way. “Thank you for being here, for walking me down the aisle.”

Tags: Shayla Black Unbroken Raine Falling Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024