The Betrayal (Unbroken Raine Falling 1) - Page 75

She glanced up at the lodge, clearly puzzled. But she banked her questions—for him, that much was clear. But her meekness wouldn’t last. Guilt would wear off, especially once he started to confront her issues. Then…Liam knew he’d be in for a battle.

He was fast coming to realize that Raine knew well how to fight fire with fire. Hell, sometimes she started the fire all by herself. But when someone lavished her with consideration and caring? She had no weapons—and unless he missed his guess—no experience with that. When showered with tenderness, she all but whimpered like a kicked puppy. But she needed it, and using that weapon would help him get answers. Though he probably shouldn’t care, he didn’t have the stomach to see her so tormented and ill-treated again.

As he jumped from the car, he blocked the caretaker from opening Raine’s door. “Thank you, Adam. I’ll help her in. She’s had a rough time of it. If you’ll just take my bag…”

The caretaker nodded and pulled his suitcase from the back.

As the man turned away, Liam helped Raine from the car. She winced and walked slowly, obviously tender and sore all over, as Liam led her toward the warm lodge, wrapping an arm around her wee waist.

What exactly had happened between Raine and Hammer? Why had she been crying as if her world had near ended yet be furious to boot? And why was she always determined to leave when trouble rolled around? Liam sensed that her waters ran deep and her secrets deeper. If he wanted to hang onto the lass, he’d best be getting smart and coax some answers from her.

After watching a few of her ginger steps, he swept her into his arms again and strode inside. A fire burned brightly in the hearth, warming the cavernous room, while the yeasty scent of fresh-baked bread made his stomach growl. Raine trembled in his arms, but he merely held her closer and mounted the staircase beyond the open lounge.

Inside the master bedroom, he laid her carefully on the bed and continued to the bathroom, then set about filling the massive tub. As he approached Raine, her eyes followed him. Though she watched him mutely, he knew she’d find her moxie again soon enough. But he was ready.

“Use the bathroom, if you need. Once you’re finished, get in the tub. Let the water and Epsom salt ease your aches and pains. I’ve added some oils to soothe you. Away you go. I’ll be there in a minute. I want to check on our lunch first.” He waited until she’d carefully moved from the bed and into the bathroom before he headed downstairs and to the kitchen.

Bless Ngaire! She’d prepared some hearty sandwiches with lots of fruit and a bottle of wine, crusty bread, cheeses, a jar of fine pickles, and an unexpected treat. He put together a platter, grabbed two glasses, and headed upstairs once more.

Liam poured her wine, then stripped and sauntered into the bathroom to join her. She lay with her head back against the tub, eyes closed, immersed in the scented water.

As he stepped in the hot tub with her, Raine started, sitting up and gathering her knees to her chest, watching him wordlessly with wary eyes. He handed her the wine as he sank down and leaned back against the opposite edge of the tub, lifting each of her legs in turn and spreading them open and over his own.

Steam swirled softly around them as his stare bore into hers. “Take a drink of your wine, Raine.”

She did, and Liam picked up one of her feet and laid it against the hard flesh of his belly. He had to lower her guard, convince her that she had nothing to fear. So he kneaded her gentle arch with his hands, smiling at her little moan.

“What are you thinking? Tell me what’s on your mind.”

He could tell by her silent consideration and sudden tenseness that she was trying to figure him out and decide how honest to be.

Liam leveled a fierce stare at her. “No editing your answers. Spit it out.”

“I don’t know how to take you.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Tears sheened her eyes, and she took another sip of wine to hide it. “Hammer had six years invested in me and he let me leave with barely a word. You spent a few hours with me and yet you’re still here, despite…everything.” She took another sip of wine, then set it on the window ledge beside her. “I can never tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. I needed to get out of there. But if anyone should have been happy to see my ass getting smaller in the distance, I would have thought it would be you.” She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “You have a knight in shining armor fetish?”

Tags: Shayla Black Unbroken Raine Falling Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024