My Protector: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance - Page 46

An email came today, the courthouse and some other government officials wanting Dillon’s security firm to handle things.

Every day there seems to be more and more of the same, and every day I wonder, “Do we need more work? Does he need more to do?”

The answer’s always the same though, he’s always ready to delegate and manage from the outside rather than leave his castle.

That’s what he still calls it.

Sounds a little juvenile, but this and the house in town are our castles, I’m his queen and our baby girl is his princess.

I wonder how mighty this empire might get, with the two growing boys I have in my belly, easily letting me decide that today’s the day.

I can’t not tell Dillon, he can have his surprise early.

I sure know I was surprised when I found out so maybe a surprise shared is a surprise doubled?

Millie stirs and starts to gurgle excitedly at the sound of his truck rolling down the hill to our drive.

“Yes,” I coo to her. “Daddy’s home.” And I watch her eyes light up with recognition like she knows because she loves him as much as I do.

The boys kicking inside me making sense after all as it’s clear who’s coming home.

I want to help with the boxes of supplies, but Dillon’s the first to take up little Millie and order me back to my chair, reminding me how much I need to take it easy.

“I was a few hours today, but that’s it from now on,” he promises me and pecks my forehead, cradling little Millie in his huge arm like she’s a tiny bird or something he’s protecting without effort.

“I’ll have our things sent up from now on. Chad can manage things for us at the business end…” He drifts off, taking little Millie’s fingers into his own.

It took a lot for him to convince Chad to come back to work for him, but he did.

I open my mouth to speak, but the phone rings.

“It can wait,” Dillon says cheerfully, blowing raspberries into our daughter’s hand before asking me what I was gonna tell him.

There’s no denying it, the man’s a born father.

Proud and loving, so why should I hold anything back?

“There’s two,” I squeak, wincing a little but running my hands over my huge belly once I hear him growl with pleasure.

“Tell me that again,” he says in a low voice, gently holding our daughter as he squats between my legs. All five of us are the closest we’ve ever been.

“Two, Dillon… both boys. I wasn’t even sure how to—”

He doesn’t shush me, but Millie crying out coupled with his own emotions stops me mid-sentence.

I knew he wouldn’t be mad, but I didn’t expect to see him so emotional either.

“Two… Sons?” he finally asks, handing me Millie as he stands up, running both his hands through his hair until they cover his face. His huge back to me.

“Dillon?” I ask, worried now, but when he turns to face me I understand.

It’s the same expression I had when I first found out.

Like winning the lottery twice in one day.

Two healthy baby boys, and both with as much strength as their father it feels like most days.

“Becky this is the best news ever.” He sniffs, wiping a line of silver from his eyes before kneeling before me again, both his hands on my stomach and our baby boys.

His lips gently pressing once than twice before reaching mine.

“Just let me. Promise me...” he says firmly, that voice he makes whenever he’s talking security stuff.

“Just promise you’ll let me watch over them like I watch over you. My one. My only love, shared because you can be such a sweet family.”

It’s not a question. It’s an oath.

More than any I know he’s taken before, Dillon’s pledge to watch over us all isn’t just theater or words.

He means it.

“I want you to watch over us, always,” I remind him.

“I love you,” I add, already reading the same words from his silent lips before he moves to kiss me. Reminding me that he has all of us, always.

And we’ll always have him. My protector. Our protector.

Tags: Flora Ferrari Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024