Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker) - Page 23

“Her future,” I answer for her by looking him in his eyes so he knows I am not playing around. She looks up at me from my side and I don’t miss the glint of happiness in her eyes before she turns back to him.

“You must not be too permanent since I have never met you or heard of you.” Smirking like he just threw a knockout punch.

“Consider us meeting. You got everything, baby?” she bites her lip, distraught and confused being stuck between her father and the man who owns her pleasure. Fuck this shit. “Say bye to your daddy, baby,” I instruct her, putting my hand on the back of her neck. I watch her shoulders drop as she relaxes from my dominant touch and I tuck that away knowing it is something we are going to revisit. I watch as her father squints his eyes, seemingly pissed by my effect on her, trying to figure out how best to proceed. Before he can say anything she makes the choice.

“See you in a couple of days, Daddy. We will talk then.” She kisses his cheek and I guide her out of the door. It stays open long enough for me to see him pull his phone out. Calling his goons I’m sure. I chuckle inwardly as I buckle her belt and kiss her. Good luck running my plates bitches. They belong to a ghost.

Chapter Twelve


Holy crap. I swear my heart jumped out of my chest when I heard my father downstairs talking to Loeb. I thought I was clear when I didn’t see or hear him when we walked in the door. I mean I know I am going to have to introduce them at some point, but not right now and not like this. As I was walking down the stairs it was like staring at two giants fighting over the same beanstalk. To be truthful, Loeb has a good seventy-five pounds on my father and all of it is muscle, so logically, I know he would have broken him, but I still see my dad as my strong protector.

I watched my dad's face go from anger, to shock, then to disappointment, and finally to that steely determination I am used to seeing from him. It probably didn’t help that I couldn’t find a word yet again to describe Loeb’s place in my life. It's not that I don’t have a word in my head or even have a need to label us, but when I go to say it, it sounds…pedestrian. When he answered the question and called himself my future, my pussy flooded my jeans and my legs. Thank God I had pants on.

I watch him covertly as he drives, my lower half panting, watching the muscles in his arms. '`You hungry baby?” he says, catching me gawking. My face heats up and turns away from him. “It’s ok. I am too.” Jesus this man. I lick my lips and squirm in my seat thinking about the night to come.

He opens the door and lets me in first. Walking in again, it hit me how at home I feel here and have from the first time I came home with him. I need to put my stuff away and call the girls. We sometimes try to coordinate colors on date night. For the last few. months I haven’t been. I realize now that not being with someone bothered me more than I let on. I pull out my phone and hit our Duo conference call number. Within a few seconds, all three of them answer.


“Buenos tardes.”


“Hi girls,” I say back, my heart is always warm when I see their faces. These girls are my sounding board. My olive branches. My sisters.

“What’s up buttercup?” Eva asks as we watch her blend up these smoothies she has been drinking. She has been on this healthy weight loss kick and though I admire her and support everything she does, I think she looks beautiful no matter what and should embrace her feminine curves. Her boyfriend Wesley sure does.

“Nothing. I just wanted to know what our colors for tonight are going to be?” I ask, pulling out a few options from my bag and walking to the closet to hang them up.

“Are you at his house again?” Fabi whispers into the screen. I giggle because her whisper is more like a soft yell.

“I am. He came and met me this morning. He picked me up from class and then we went back to my house and got my stuff. You guys, he insisted on coming in and my dad was home. I was literally praying for the Earth to swallow me up and for them not to kill each other. It was like a clash of the titans without the lightning and thunder,” I say, letting it spill out before he comes up the stairs.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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