Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker) - Page 17

Walking over to her dresser, I open her notebook to see her schedule for tomorrow and find she has a question mark next to a meeting she has with the animal shelter she volunteers at. Smiling, I make a mental note to check on the owner and make sure he is on the up and up. Like the creeper I am, I walk into her bathroom and open her mirror. My nose tingles at first whiff of her perfume that is now so ingrained in my lungs, when I cough I taste her. Walking back to the bed, I bend over her and run my nose up the side of her neck, barely catching the moan that threatens to fall from my lips. “My love. Cherish your moments in this house. There are few left.” I whisper in her ear before licking the path my nose took before walking out her bedroom door.

I should have gone out of the window the way I came in, but I can’t resist the challenge of standing right next to his sleeping form, testing my self control. I see his wife didn’t come back. I need to look into that. Wouldn’t put it past the dirty fucker to have off’d her. Knowing he will notice as soon as he is awake, I open his phone and type a message: We are coming for you…traitor. I leave his phone open and walk out of the front door. You might be asking yourself how a former CIA agent who is in bed with the Russians, doesn’t have a security system in place. The short answer is; he does. I am just better than any system he could ever have.

I walk right out the front door, and straight into my car. I barely get the door locked before my phone chimes. Shit. It’s Julius.

“Cousin,.” I address him so he knows it’s me.

“Loe. How is the hunt?”

“Slow but producing results. I actually just left the target a message.”

“Distance or in person.” he asks.

“What do you think?” I hate when they ask me dumb ass questions.

“Cuz,” His tone conveys concern and warning.

“Did you call me to be a nagging old lady or did you need something?” I don’t have time for this shit.

“I found her.'' It takes me a minute to realize who he is referring to, but then it hits me.

“His mistress? Where?”

“She is living in the house he has here. It gets better. She bore him children. Three in fact.” Holy fuck. He is an even bigger piece of shit than I knew.

“Well shit. What’s your play here?”

“Not sure. I have been watching them, getting a sense of their routine. I managed to get connected to the nanny…if you get my drift and she has been more than forthcoming. Seems he comes out once a month but while he is here, he spends a lot of time in Parliament.” This just gets better and better.

“Does the side chick know about his real family?”

“Haven’t figured that out, but I will.”

“No doubt. Listen, have you talked to LT lately?”

“No. Why?”

“Seems I was right on the money. The rumors about sleeper agents being here have been confirmed and it seems it is all connected. The mission has now changed from covert to sanctioned. We have to find the sleepers while exacting our vengeance.”

“Fuck. This shit just doesn’t stop, does it?” he asks. I can picture him shaking his head, fighting himself over what to do next. I need his head in the game.

“Listen, there is nothing you can do here in the states until we have more information. Be stealthy and be careful. We don’t yet know who is who. Don’t expose yourself.” I don’t know what I would do if something happened to my cousin.

“10-4.'' We hang up after that. Walking into my front door, I have entirely too much energy and nothing to do with it because it is all for her. I need to work it out. Walking into my bedroom, my Spidey sense is telling me something is not right, but looking around, everything seems ok. Nothing is out of place, but it is a feeling I cannot ignore. Changing from my jeans to my sweats, I pull my shirt off and grab my Glock, gripping it in my hand, I walk slowly down the hallway, checking each room before descending the stairs.

There is a smell, one I have met before, but from where is not clear. My kitchen is clear and so is my living room. It's when I turn the corner that everything begins to make sense. Leading down my hallway are pieces of lingerie and clothing. Annoyed, I follow the trail to my workout room. I take a deep breath before walking in, reminding myself she is a woman and not some criminal. I want to tear apart although the fact that she has made her way into my home without my permission, makes her real close. “Mmm. Took you long enough.” Glitter says to me when I walk in the room. Her real name is not glitter. She is actually Tiffany Costello. I met her a few years ago at a grocery store. A long conversation in the parking lot turned into an agreement. I haven’t dipped in that pool since before I found my Nova.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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