Mentored in Fire (Demon Days & Vampire Nights) - Page 39

It was as if all the flavors she loved best had been contained in one cup, each in its best possible formation. The best pie, the best PB&J sandwich, the best s’mores. They didn’t contradict each other, though they should’ve.

“Very good, little flenchlin.” The leader winked and took the cup before scooping up some of the drink for itself and gulping it down. “If you decide to…mingle, find me first.”

“She won’t be mingling.” Emery slipped his hand down to the swell of Penny’s hip and pulled her in possessively.

A moan escaped her as she soaked him in. The feel of that hand, hard and masculine. The rich timbre of his voice and his smell, comforting and arousing.

“The offer is out there.” The leader laughed and lifted its hand high, all six fingers of it. “Commence the music!”

A cheer went up, and Darius urged Emery and Penny out of the throng of creatures. “Here, back here. You’ll want to get settled in a hurry.”

Drums reverberated through the space, almost tribal in nature, a deep, rhythmic sound crashing through her blood. Excitement twisted her gut and tightness took over her core. Emery’s hand tightened around her hip, and she knew the rest of his body was reacting, too. Music from a strange sort of string instrument rose above the din, hitting a high note before dipping and then coiling and spiraling through her ears. The sound was sweet and full of longing, but spicy and naughty, too.

“Here.” Darius stopped them in front of a little alcove, the lighting so dim she could only see the wall at the back. “It’s small, which means it is only for a small group—two or three. No one will duck in here to join, unlike in the larger rooms. The resting area is around the side. This should allow you to…hide from sight. Or, if you prefer, we can look for a different—”

“This is perfect,” Emery said, ushering Penny in front of him. “We’ll lock ourselves in with magic.”

“Fantastic. I will be in the area, in case you need something. Otherwise…” Darius took a step back. “Enjoy yourselves.”

Emery smirked, of all things, and guided Penny farther into the alcove. A new instrument joined the others, a base that worked with the rhythmic drumbeat, pulling at her body, pushing, yanking, trying to get her to take her pants off.

“Darius basically just shoved us into a demon sex club in the Underworld, do you know that?” She helped Emery erect a wall and then nearly buckled and dropped to the ground at the thought of erect. “Oh boy, I might be in trouble.”

Emery tied off the spell and turned to her, the soft light in the alcove just bright enough for her to see his gorgeous blue and gold eyes, hungry with desire. “That drink is…something else.” His eyes roamed her body, stopping on her breasts before dipping to what Reagan would call her fun zone. “Do you want to resist? Would that make you more comfortable?”

Yes was on the tip of her tongue. But that look in Emery’s eyes stoked the fire within her to blazing, burning through her blood. She backed up slowly, deeper into the alcove. He stalked her, his big body thick with muscle, his movements graceful and light in spite of it. The light cut across his high cheekbones and accentuated his strong jaw and ruggedly handsome features.

Her core ached for him. Her knees didn’t want to keep working. She bumped against the elevated, flat surface covered in pillows. The fact that others had used it for this—that demons had—should gross her out. Those pillows alone should gross her out. But she couldn’t tear her thoughts away from Emery. From what was under that shirt. What was in those pants.

He pushed up close to her, his heat dosing her. “I want to fuck you, Penny,” he said, and she swallowed hard. Passion swelled. Lust pulled her under. She couldn’t focus on anything but his heat. His words. His unchecked hunger to get inside of her. She wanted him inside of her.

Reading her easily, he slipped his tough palm against her smooth skin. His fingers pointed upward as his hand moved, sliding over the swell of her breast, his thumb finding the sensitive peak.

She groaned, fluttering her eyes shut. His hot mouth was on hers in an instant, swallowing her sounds. His tongue swept through, his taste more divine even than that drink. Better than anything.

His kiss rose in urgency, and suddenly his hands were on the buttons of her pants. They were pushing her pants down and slipping between her thighs.

Her knees finally gave out. She fell onto the springy surface behind her, lifting her legs so he could rip her pants off. She pushed up quickly, undoing his button and yanking his pants down as well. His hard length bobbed up, and she bent forward to capture it with her mouth, his hands on her head and then sliding down to caress her bare butt.

Tags: K.F. Breene Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024