The Price of Success - Page 63

His mouth trailed over her face to the juncture between her neck and shoulder. Erotic heat washed through her.

When her grip tightened, his breath shuddered out. ‘Sí, mi querida, that’s the right way to make it up to me.’

His hips bucked against her hold, heat and strength pulsing through her fingers. Liquid heat gathered between her thighs. She was unbelievably turned on by the pleasure she gave him.

At yet another caress he suddenly reared up and flipped her over. ‘You’re getting carried away.’

She slid her thighs either side of him and lowered herself until her wet heat touched him. The feel of his strong hands sliding down her back to capture her bottom made her shiver with delight.

‘Then me being on top wasn’t the best idea, was it?’

His predatory gaze swept over her, lingering on her breasts, making them peak even more painfully.

‘It’s time you learned that I can control you from whichever position I’m in,’ he breathed.

He surged into her, filling her so completely stars exploded behind her closed lids. He captured her nape, forced her down and took her mouth in a scorching kiss. His tongue seeking th

e deep cavern of her mouth, he took her over completely, escalating the desire firing through her until Sasha was aflame with a pleasure so intense it frightened the small part of her brain that could still function.

Sasha hung on as he clamped one hand in the small of her back to hold her still. His pace was frantic, frightful in its demand and exquisite in its delivery of pleasure. She whimpered when he freed her mouth, only to blindly seek his for herself before she could draw another breath. Sensation spiralled out of control as bliss gathered with stunning speed.

‘Open your eyes. Let me see your eyes when you come for me.’

She obeyed. Then wished she hadn’t when the heat in his eyes threatened to send her already flaming world out of control.

‘Marco …’

‘Sí, I feel it too.’

She believed him. The sheen of sweat coating his skin, the unsteady hand that caressed down her face before recapturing her nape, the harsh pants that escaped his lungs all attested to the fact that he was caught in this incredible maelstrom too.

Pleasure scythed through her heart, arrowed down into her pelvis, forcing her to cry out one last time as her orgasm exploded through her.

Beneath her, still controlling their pleasure, Marco thrust into her release, groaning at the sensation of her caressing convulsions, then found his own satisfaction.

Their harsh breaths mingled, hearts thundering as the breeze cooled their sweat-damp skin. Far away, another burst of fireworks lit up the sky.

Inside the cabana, the intensity of their shared pleasure sparked a threat of fear through her.

To mask her feelings, she hid her face in his shoulder. ‘I’d love to compose a sonnet to you right now. But I have no words.’

A short rumble of laughter echoed through his heated chest. ‘Sonnets are overrated. Your screams of pleasure were reward enough.’

Sasha sighed, put her head on his chest and tried to breathe. The alarm that had taken root in that small part of her brain grew. Something had happened between their first and second lovemaking.

Then she’d felt safe enough to fall asleep in Marco’s arms.

Now … Now she felt exposed. Her emotions felt raw, naked. Unbidden, tears prickled her eyes. She scrambled to hide her composure but Marco sensed her feelings.

Pushing her head gently off his shoulder, he stared into her face. ‘You’re crying. Why?’

How could she explain something she had no understanding of?

When she tried to shrug he shook his head. ‘Tell me.’

‘I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed. That’s all.’

After a second he nodded and brushed a hand down her cheek. ‘Sí. This is your first victory. That feeling can never be equalled.’

Tags: Maya Blake Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024